OperationLayoutDeliveryPerformance ReportOther FAQs

How to create new creatives?

  1. Click “New Creative” on the left or “Create New Creative” above the creative list. 
  2. Select a layout, view layout related information (preview).
  3. Upload video or images and set desired settings.
  4. Complete the setup, insert third-party tracking, and obtain the corresponding Ad Tag for delivery.

How to filter layouts?

The filters located above the layout interface allow users to choose their ideal layout. Filters will sort according to device, layout features, and delivery system.

How to edit existing creatives?

Click on the desired creative in the Creative List and click “Edit Creative”.

How to delete creatives?

Click on the creative’s lower left corner “Delete Creative” (This function is available only to Admin and Operator).

How to duplicate creatives?

Click on the creative’s lower left corner “Duplicate Creative”
(This function is available only to Admin and Operator).

How to obtain iframe URL

Please refer to the document: How to get the iframe URL

How to download demo creative?

On the Create Creative page, click “Sample” in the lower left corner of the creative card to download the creative’s test version.

Creative file size and format restrictions

Taking delivery performance and loading speed into account, there is a limit to the file size and format of uploaded images or videos.
If the file size exceeds the limit or uses a unsupported format, the storage and production of the creative cannot be completed.
File size:
  • Image file: 2MB
  • Video file: 5MB
Format support limitations:
  • Image file: JPG/PNG/GIF
  • Movie file: MP4
  • Encoding: H264 Baseline Profile, Audio: Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) Low-Complexity Profile (LC))

Introduction of Safe Area

Please refer to the document:Safe Area

Third party code tracking instructions and tutorial

💡After November 2, 2022 (Wed.), UTC+08:00, the second step of Ad Tag will not support click tracking in the form of URL, please directly set the click URL in Create Creative.

The ad delivery performance of creatives created on AdNeon can be tracked synchronously using third-party tracking codes.

Platforms that support AdNeon 3rd party tracking : GAM, DV360

How to set up third-party tracking code on AdNeon
  1. Set up delivery environment in Step 1, then click “Add third-party tracking code” in Step 2.33
  2. Select the Tracking Time Points, Tracking Type and fill in the third-party tracking code, then click Generate Tag.
    • Tracking Time Points:Impression, Click
    • Tracking Type:HTML、URL
      Supported Tracking Providers: DCM / Sizmek / Nielsen / IAS / LnData / DoubleVerify
      After November 2, 2022 (Wed.), UTC+08:00, the second step of Ad Tag will not support click tracking in the form of URL, please directly set the click URL in Create Creative.
  3. If a replacing macro message shows up, follow the instructions to click and replace, or check the content of tracking code which getting warning correct or not.
    • Macro timestamp/cachebuster Replace or modify: click Replace MacroUntitled 1 3
  4. Check the agreement statement: AdNeon does not guarantee the function of your 3rd Party Trackings. Users are solely responsible for third-party tracking results.
  5. After verifying all the information, click Generate Tag to obtain the Ad tag(click to download or copy the Ad Tag).2

Alert:A new ad tag is required if the third-party tracking code has been updated.

You can check Detail for more information about third-park tracking you insert before3

AdNeon supported events & third party tracking codes
  • AdNeon supported events:Impression, click
  • Third-party tracking codes:Sizmek、Nielsen、IAS、Doubleclick (DCM)、Lndata、Double Verify
  • Third-party tracking code supported formats:URL & HTML
    After November 2, 2022 (Wed.), UTC+08:00, the second step of Ad Tag will not support click tracking in the form of URL, please directly set the click URL in Create Creative.
An error alert will appear if:
  • The required information is incomplete.
  • The content of tracking code format is not correct to the selected tracking type.

The current supporting standard of third-party tracking codes is based on Google Ad Manager (DFP) as the delivery’s system.


Tag example:

					Ad Serving code:
<script src="https://bs.serving-sys.com/BurstingPipe/adServer.bs?cn=rsb&c=28&pli=placementID&PluID=0&w=300&h=250&ord=[timestamp]&ucm=true&mb=1"></script>

<a href="https://bs.serving-sys.com/BurstingPipe/adServer.bs?cn=brd&amp;FlightID=placementID&amp;Page=&amp;PluID=0&amp;Pos=2142063945&amp;mb=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img decoding="async" src="https://bs.serving-sys.com/BurstingPipe/adServer.bs?cn=bsr&amp;FlightID=placementID&amp;Page=&amp;PluID=0&amp;Pos=2142063945&amp;mb=1" =0 =300 =250 alt="adServer"></a>

Ad Tracking code:
Impression Tracker

Usage conditions:

  • Ad Serving currently only supports Impression tracking
    • Other Metrics requires testing, please refer to the testing page and reserve the time for AdNeon Team to perform testing
  • Please use HTML format for Ad Serving code and use URL format for Ad Tracking code



Tag example:

					Impression Tracker                                                                    
<!-- Start Secure Pixel Call / 120898150 (Tracking Ad - Apple Daily) Creative / 254680251 (PR_NAT_Apple Daily TW_ROA_NA_NA_RM_MOB_Mobile Web Run of Site Flying Carpet 100% (Rich Media) 320x360_SING_CPM_NA_IT_CH_SSD_1x1) Placement -->                                                         
<img decoding="async" src="https://secure-gl.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?ca=nlsn181866&amp;cr=120898150&amp;ce=appledailytaiwan&amp;pc=254680251&amp;ci=nlsnci2103&amp;am=3&amp;at=view&amp;rt=banner&amp;st=image&amp;r=%%CACHEBUSTER%%" style="display:none" alt="m?ca=nlsn181866&amp;cr=120898150&amp;ce=appledailytaiwan&amp;pc=254680251&amp;ci=nlsnci2103&amp;am=3&amp;at=view&amp;rt=banner&amp;st=image&amp;r=%%CACHEBUSTER%%"> 
<!-- End Secure Pixel Call / 120898150 (Tracking Ad - Apple Daily) Creative / 254680251 (PR_NAT_Apple Daily TW_ROA_NA_NA_RM_MOB_Mobile Web Run of Site Flying Carpet 100% (Rich Media) 320x360_SING_CPM_NA_IT_CH_SSD_1x1) Placement -->

Usage conditions:

  • Please use HTML format


Tag example:

					<IMG SRC="https://pixel.adsafeprotected.com/rfw/st/111111/22222222/skeleton.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1 ALT="">

Usage conditions:

  • Please use HTML format

Doubleclick (DCM)

Tag example:

					Impression Tracker
<IMG SRC="https://ad.doubleclick.net/ddm/trackimp/Nxxxx.site-keyname/Byyyyyyy.n;dc_trk_aid={ad_id};dc_trk_cid={creative_id};ord=[timestamp];dc_lat=N;dc_rdid=Czzzz;tag_for_child_directed_treatment=I?" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="1" WIDTH="1" ALT="Advertisement">

Usage conditions:

  • Please use URL format for the Impression Tracker as shown in the example


Tag example:

					Impression Tracker

Usage conditions:

  • Please use URL format


Tag example:

					Impression Tracker
<script src="https://cdn.doubleverify.com/dvtp_src.js?ctx=25340536&cmp=DV738413&sid=106&plc=11&adsrv=0&btreg=&btadsrv=&crt=&tagtype=&dvtagver=6.1.src" type="text/javascript"></script>

Impression Tracker
<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" src="https://tps.doubleverify.com/visit.jpg?ctx=25340536&amp;cmp=DV738413&amp;sid=106&amp;plc=11&amp;adsrv=0&amp;btreg=&amp;btadsrv=&amp;crt=&amp;tagtype=&amp;dvtagver=6.1.img&amp;" alt="" width="0" height="0">

Usage conditions:

  • Please use HTML format
What is Ad Tag?

Ad Tag is a system-generated Tag that records the total number of impressions and clicks on an ad.

How to obtain Ad Tag?

  1. Head to Ad Tag settings on the right side of the creative card.
  2. First, select the Tag format.
  3. Then enter the tracking supplier, exposure time and format.
  4. Tick “Agree”.
  5. Click “Generate tag”.
  6. Finally, click to copy the ad tag (or click “Download Ad Tag”).

How to switch roles, languages, edit accounts and passwords

Click on “Email” in the upper right corner of the Adneon page, then select the item that you want to change.

How to add new account(admin only)

Click Account List on the left, then click “Add Account” to fill in email address and access permissions.

add account

How to remove member(admin only)

Click Account List on the left, then click “Remove” to remove an account.

How to change account roles(admin only)

Click Account List on the left, then click on an account’s role to change its role.

change role

How to upgrade plans(admin only)

  1. Click on “Level Plan Assistance” on the left.
  2. Click “Join Now”.
  3. Fill in the contact information.
  4. After confirming that the information filled in and the selected plan are correct, you can click “Confirm Send”.
  5. The system will send an approval letter, and AdNeon will reply the application result after a few days.

How to register account?

  1. Click【Create an Account with Email】 at the bottom of the login screen.
    login 1
  2. Enter Email, password, confirm password, and tick reCAPTCHA, then click【Register an account and issue a verification letter】
  3. The system will send a verification letter to your registered mailbox, click【Click to Verify Email】
    login 4
  4. It will be redirected to the authentication completion screen, click【Login and start using AdNeon】
    login 5
  5. Enter account password to login to AdNeon!
    login 6

Permission of role


What are Heavy Ads?

Heavy Ads are ads that consume too much CPU or network resources. Google will automatically remove these ads to ensure users have a seamless and enjoyable web browsing experience.

According to the Heavy Ad Intervention, the following will result in the removal of an ad:

  • CPU usage exceeds 60 seconds
  • CPU usage exceeds 50% when browsing a website
  • Ads use more than 4MB of network bandwidth to load

An AdNeon creative WILL NOT be considered as an Heavy Ad and WILL NOT be removed by the Heavy Ad Intervention only when GAM: Google Publisher Tag is selected as the delivery environment, the “GAM INTERSTITIAL GPT slot” is not used for ad delivery, and the GAM’s SafeFrame option is turned off.

2022 10 31 下午2.12.21

Untitled 1

To prevent the removal of AdNeon’s ad creatives, it is advisable to confirm the “Ad Size” on the creative card and adjust the creative accordingly before submission.

2022 10 31 下午2.16.09

Please refer to Google’s Heavy Ad specifications: https://developer.chrome.com/blog/heavy-ad-interventions/

2022 10 31 下午2.19.25

🔺 The Live Stream layout is an exception because YouTube live videos are embedded as iFrame. However, Youtube live videos could also be removed when the creative violates the conditions stated in the Heavy Ad Intervention.

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