Unsupported tracking type of url format for click-tracking on Ad Tag second-step

AdNeon will no longer support URL format in click-tracking type during the second step of Ad Tag generation process after November 2, 2022 (Wed.), UTC+08:00.
If you want to use URL for click-tracking, please directly set it up right in the edit page of creatives.

* URL for click-tracking should lead to landing page and avoid containing Macro.
* For details, please refer to the document for third-party tracking configuration.


Flying Carpet Fade Out Tutorial

Three Flying Carpet layouts will no longer be available on AdNeon from December 27, 2023 (Wed), including: Flying Carpet – Image Flying Carpet – Vertical

AdNeon Fade Out Layouts Tutorial

AdNeon will fade out ten layouts on April 3rd, 2023 GMT+0800 which are “Rolling Cube_Image”,  “Vertical Rolling Cube”, “Medium Rectangle_Video”, “Medium Rectangle_Image”, “Mobile Interstitial_Image”, “Mobile

Mobile Footer Layouts Compilation

AdNeon aims to provide a user-friendly operating platform and product experience. For this reason, we launched the “Mobile Footer Expand” version on October 2021 ,

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